Cut the Meeting

Today my alarm radio started playing at 6:26 am. That was not a coincidence; I set it at 6:26 am the night before. I got out of bed at 6:36 am. That also wasn’t a coincidence; I wanted to listen to the half past news and then waited for the digital clock to reach 36. […]

Rainbow Girl

Moving along we are passing a couple of seventy-something year old oak trees. It’s spring so they are in full bloom. They are standing remarkable close to the pebble path without disrupting it with their roots. The grass is freshly mowed and smells amazing. At the side of the lawn, about thirty meters from the […]

Breakfast with Tiffany

When we enter the breakfast place named QB it’s two past nine. I waited seven minutes outside the door so that we wouldn’t be disturbed by the big collection of working cuckoo clocks in this establishment. It is sort of a gimmick; one that clearly put the place on the map. But also one that […]

Rob Ribbon

I’m afraid of animals, but sadly enough animals are not afraid of me. Animals smell my kindness and for some reason they see that as an invitation to clamber all over me. Licking, humping, rubbing, jumping. They just don’t seem to understand that I really don’t want them near me. And in case you might […]

Drop Dead Beauty

Leaving the park we are directly confronted with the crowdedness of this lively city. Broad pavements filled with people that don’t dare to say hi. We see people walking through the recurring parts of their daily circle. Lives filled with a routine that can only be broken by tragedy. A tragedy like the one we […]

Before I Got Here

2020 Update: Just finished my first graphic novel, Savior. A philosophical fiction story in which a gifted young child explores the mesmerising surreal landscape of her mind to find an answer to one of life’s paradoxes: how do you stop destruction without being destructive yourself. Find out more by visiting SAVIOR. About 14 years ago, after successfully […]